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How to Lose Weight Cycling

Are you wondering how to lose weight cycling?

Cycling isn’t a diet by any means, but it is a very healthy fitness activity. While you still have to discipline yourself on what you eat and drink, cycling can still help you lose weight as well as get you into shape. Cycling is actually one of the best forms of exercise you can do for your health and fitness as long as your medical providers approve of it.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to lose weight cycling and increase your overall fitness routine altogether.

Lose Weight Cycling

Why do you want to lose weight cycling

Why would anyone want to lose weight cycling in the first place?

Cycling is easy to get into and much less impactful on your body than lifting heavy weights or running. It is also a lot of fun, and for many people, it feels more like being a kid again than actually doing exercises. Cycling isn’t that expensive to get into either because all you really need is a good bike, some cycling shorts, and a helmet, and you’re ready to ride.

If you want to lose weight faster and more easily, I recommend getting into cycling for your fitness goals.


How to lose weight cycling with food

As a cyclist, you need to consider important circumstances in relation to what you eat because if you want to lose weight cycling, you’ll need to change your eating habits.

If you have the time, consider biking or spinning inside before you eat breakfast. You can go for a quick ride or spin lasting no longer than half an hour. When you get back, eat something healthy for breakfast.

Energy bars and gels are better saved for racing or longer and tougher rides because they are loaded with dense calories.

Instead of drinking energy drinks or sports drinks, use electrolyte drinks. Electrolyte drinks will restore the sodium you lose during riding, which is important. Sports and energy drinks will mainly restore a lot of carbs, and you really don’t want that if you want to lose weight cycling.

Cut out as much sugar as you such as in your coffee, in your tea, or candy that you might eat.

Avoid drinks that are packed with calories. These are Starbucks coffee, soda, and especially alcohol. You’re better off drinking black coffee and water for the best results in terms of losing weight as a cyclist.

Take a breakfast bar with you and eat while you ride, as that will help you avoid overindulging while you’re cycling.

Most of your fat builds up after dinner when you go to bed. You should try to lighten up your dinner meals and snacks before you go to bed. Try to eat an earlier dinner so that it can digest before you go to sleep, and it turns into unwanted fat.

It’s fine to have a few cheat meals and snacks here and there because there is no need to be miserable all the time.

You really don’t need to look at this as going on a diet because you don’t actually have to go on a diet. You just need to start eating better. Instead of not eating, start focusing on eating food that is actually healthy for you.

Be sure to fuel only for the amount of work you’re doing so that you don’t overdo it or underdo it.

Try to cut and moderate the amount of food you eat each day. If you leave the dinner table hurting and feeling bloated, then you’re eating way too much, and you’re not going to have any luck in your efforts to lose weight cycling. You need to cut down and only eat what you need to eat each time.

Be very cautious when fasting as a cyclist because a lack of proper fuel and hydration can cause more harm than good.

Try to focus on improving the quality of your food. If you’re eating food that is bad quality and bad for you, then you’re only going to get results that are bad for your body. Start looking at and judging the quality of what you’re putting in your body.

Work on weening yourself from junk food; otherwise, eating it can harm all your efforts to lose weight, cycle, and get into better shape.

Start eating more protein as a cyclist. Protein will help you build muscles, which will effectively make you ride harder and longer. The tougher of a cyclist you get, the easier it will be to lose weight cycling and get the body you’ve always wanted.

Food is a very important topic when it comes to losing weight as a cyclist.

Faster Cyclist

How to lose weight cycling with on-the-bike training

Bike training is another important tactic to consider when you want to lose weight cycling.

Instead of riding farther, focus on riding more often than you normally do. For example, if you ride 20 miles a day, two days a week, start riding 20 miles a day for three or four days a week. The more you ride, the better your weight loss journey will be.

You should also increase the amount of riding you do each time, even if it’s just a mile or two each time.

Try to make a weekly or monthly weight loss goal that is easier to achieve. If your goals are hard and you aren’t able to achieve them, it might burn you out and prevent you from trying. If you can easily achieve your weight loss goals, you’ll be more motivated to keep pushing yourself towards your ultimate goal.

Do more high-intensity workouts when riding your bike so that your heart rate increases, and you burn fat much faster.

Try to use your bicycle more than any other form of transportation. If it’s safer, use your bike to commute to and from work. You could also use your bike to go get groceries and visit friends and family members.

Be sure to track your progress so that you can see changes and assess your strategy for losing weight cycling.

Make sure you’re actually enjoying your bike rides. If you don’t enjoy cycling, none of this will work because you won’t try as hard to get better at it. Cycling is an activity for people who love cycling, not for someone who doesn’t like it.

Do more interval training when cycling so that your body doesn’t get used to the same old cycling routine.

If you want to lose weight cycling, try pushing yourself to follow a training plan. A training plan will help you ensure that you hit all of your metrics and goals while you ride. Make sure your training plan is realistic to the actual time and abilities you can dedicate to it.

Riding with others can help you lose weight cycling simply because you’re socializing and not paying attention to the fact that you’re exercising.

Increase hilly terrain on your bike rides. Hills are going to help you lose weight because they’ll increase your heart rate and make you work to get them up. You should at least throw in a couple of hilly routes each week within your cycling training plan.

Make sure you practice safe cycling by wearing a helmet, obeying traffic laws, watching your surroundings, and using hand signals.

Prevent pain and injuries by getting a properly fitted bike from your local bike shop. You should also invest in a good pair of bib shorts or cycling shorts, as the padding will help prevent pain. If something starts hurting while riding your bike, try to research why so that you can fix it. It’s usually a problem with bike fit.

If it’s too cold or wet to bike outside, consider using a trainer or a stationary bike to get your workout in.

Bike training is just as important as watching what you eat when it comes to losing weight through cycling.


How to lose weight when you’re off your bike

Make sure that you don’t just lose weight cycling but also work on ways to lose weight while off your bike.

You need to get plenty of sleep. In order for your body to heal and recover from workouts, it has to rest. If you don’t get that much sleep, you’ll risk fatigue and pain that will kill your motivation to keep cycling for weight loss.

On your rest days away from the bike, do some lightweight training to help strengthen your core and tone.

Make sure you do plenty of training away from your bike. Consider activities like hiking, paddling, swimming, and even running. You could even run some 5K events or do a triathlon.

Losing weight significantly improves cycling performance, allowing you to ride faster and farther each time.

You should look at ways to build your muscles while off the bike. This could be weight training, squats, burpees, and other tactics. The more you improve your muscles and strength off the bike, you’ll perform way better on the bike.

Make sure you set goals for off-the-bike fitness as well, and again, ensure that they’re easier to achieve rather than super hard to work for.

Try to be consistent with your fitness routines on and off your bike. Consistency will help ensure that you’re able to keep going and get stronger as a cyclist. Consistency will also turn your weight loss journey into a habitual activity.

Try to measure your weight loss success by keeping a journal with your lost weight amounts and completed goals.

Pay attention to any warning signs you may experience, such as pain and discomfort. Talk to your medical provider if you start to feel any pain or discomfort while you try to lose weight cycling.

The most important thing you need to do is be patient because nothing will happen overnight.

Benefits of Cycling

Common FAQ about how to lose weight cycling

Below are some commonly asked questions about how you can lose weight cycling.


Is cycling good for weight loss?

Cycling is very good for weight loss. It is an aerobic activity that increases your heart rate, which boosts your metabolism. Cycling is also a lot of fun, and it’s hard to realize that you’re exercising when you do it.

How much cycling is needed to lose 1 pound?

If you invest an hour a day in cycling, you can easily lose about a pound a week. You might not be able to bike every day, so if you can add an hour to the days you can bike to make up for it, that would help you. You’ll lose around 500 calories just by cycling for an hour each day.

Can I lose weight cycling on hour a day?

As I stated above, in just an hour of cycling, you’ll lose around 500 calories. If you can bike for just an hour (or longer if possible) 7 days a week, you’ll lose weight cycling in no time. Most people can’t bike every single day, and that’s fine, but you should try to do as many days as you can.

Do I need to diet to lose weight?

You don’t necessarily have to go on a diet to lose weight as a cyclist. You do, however, need to watch what you eat and control the amount of food that you eat. You definitely want to fuel yourself for cycling, but you don’t want to overdo it (or underdo it, for that matter) and eat the wrong things.

Can you lose belly fat from cycling?

High-intensity interval training on the bike can help you lose belly fat. However, you also need to be watching what you eat so that you’re not just replacing lost fat. Off-the-bike fitness strategies focusing on your core will also help you shed belly fat next to your cycling routines.


Final Thoughts About Cycling Weight Loss

Now that I’ve told you how to lose weight cycling, it’s your turn to get out there and start doing it. Please make sure you speak to your medical provider before doing any sort of weight loss program with your bike just to make sure it is right for you. I am in no way giving medical advice here.

If this article has helped you today, please consider leaving me a one-time donation so that I can continue to provide it for free.

I would also like to invite you to follow me on X and on YouTube for more cycling tips and resources.

Now, I want to hear from you: Tell me what health benefits cycling has given you and what your weekly cycling fitness routine looks like. Comment below because I’d love to hear from you.

Shawn Gossman

About Shawn Gossman

Shawn Gossman is the author of this post and founder of the Beginner Cycling Tips Blog.

Shawn has been an avid cyclist for around 12 years. He road, gravel, mountain, and trail bikes. He likes adventuring more than racing.

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